Rumma Overview


  The Rumma are an underground mammal species native to Southern Dramor. They have a short stature of around 3 to 4 feet and are covered in a short, thick coat of fur that is primarily in earth brown hues but occasionally has more metallic hues. Their large eyes provide incredible low-light vision, but they are sensitive to bright lights above ground. Their snouts have several natural minerals that allow the Rumma to sense different metals while underground, although this ability becomes less helpful when there is more metal around. The Rumma have dark, hard nails on their hands and feet, but most of them keep them trimmed if they are craftsmen to keep them out of the way.

Life Cycle

  Rumma practice monogamy, and like most mammals, the female of the species gives live birth to their offspring. A Rumma litter typically consists of three to five pups, with an equal number of male and female pups expected. The pups are fed milk from both parents until they are around one year old, at which point they are ready to start having solid food. A Rumma pup is born sightless, relying on smell alone until about their sixth month. Rumma reach full size around age sixteen and are considered adults at that time. A healthy Rumma can be expected to live to around 100 years, but spending long amounts of time on the surface can decrease their lifespan to around 80 years due to the harmful effects of sunlight over extended periods.


  The Rumma are a hardy species, accustomed to surviving tunnel collapses, fights with underground monsters, and strong ale in Dramor. Whether they work in the forge, mine for metals, or build out the city, they all do hard labor throughout their shifts. The Rumma are also master craftsmen, not only crafting and perfecting well-known items but also frequently trying to invent something new. They spend as much time researching the writings of other Rumma as they do experimenting and honing their skills in their own forge to create the next amazing masterpiece or to invent a new method of transportation.


  Rumma adventurers choose to live on the surface for various reasons, such as exploring new locations, searching for ancient Rumma civilizations, or seeking answers about their creation. Some are merchants looking to establish trade routes and deals, while others search for new locations to settle underground cities.

Equipment and clothing

  Rumma equipment and clothing vary in appearance, but all are known for their strength and durability. Different families take pride in their construction techniques, and displaying their craftsmanship is a source of family pride.
