Rumma History


  The Rumma have a more unique creation story than others. Awal Sanie is an ancient deity who never intended to create a species. They were more focused on crafting weapons and armor for other deities as well as large power magical buildings and machines. Their favorite place to craft was underground, using the molten lava from an active volcano to power their large forge. For one of their projects, they needed to make golems to assist in the project. This plan needed to change once the volcano started to show signs it would erupt. Awal Sanie was excited, as they had another project that required just a moment like this. Tossing aside the unfinished golem molds, they quickly started to pour all their concentration and will of creation into their task. With Awal Sanie so focused on the task, they did not notice an unexpected gas bubble in the lava flow. When it reached the surface of the lava pool, the resulting explosion shattered the creation, and all of Awal Sanie's will of creation scattered around the room. In disappointment, Awal Sanie simply left, leaving behind this forge for another. After they left, the will of creation they had expended settled down into the molds they had left unfinished, the molds which were filling with lava as the volcano was erupting. This accident resulted in the Rumma being created from the unfinished molds with a desire to create but with no creator present.

Ancient History

  The Rumma have a long and rich history, marked by significant societal changes. Initially, they resided near the volcano where they were created, but as their population grew, they had to explore and settle into new areas. However, the first main city tried to control the new settlements, limiting their food production and installing leaders who were loyal to the ruling family. Eventually, the other cities rebelled, uniting against the first city and successfully destroying it. From then on, the Rumma cities became self-sufficient to prevent another super city from taking over, and they promptly sought out new settling locations whenever issues arose with size, location, or supplies.

Modern History

  Before the Fuzang-Zhian invasion, the Rumma coexisted peacefully with many of the species of Southern Dramor. They established trade posts above their settlements to interact and trade with surface-dwelling species, which proved beneficial during the war against the Fuzang-Zhian. The Rumma settlements became forts and safe havens for other species to retreat to during the conflict, and the Rumma provided weapons and armor to the defending forces while shoring up surface defenses. However, the Fuzang-Zhian casters worked unimaginable earth magic that caused the entire continent to shake, collapsing many tunnel systems and causing the loss of some Rumma cities. After these heavy losses, the Rumma withdrew from the war effort, unable and untrusted to protect surface forces against the Fuzang-Zhian.