Fuzang-Zhian History


  In response to declining numbers of dragons on the planet, caused by their low reproduction rate and conflicts with other creatures causing death among the species, the ancient dragon gods decided to create Fuzang-Zhian in their image, but with a faster rate of growth as a species, to be used as weapons in their war against the Taktuyfir, their greatest enemy.

Ancient History

  The desire for power and control, a trait that is common among their dragon creators, runs strong in the Fuzang-Zhian. The combination of strength, hardiness, innate magical abilities, and focus on species hierarchy, over time, allowed the Fuzang-Zhian to take over many of the societies and cultures they have encountered. Most often, when taking over a region, the Fuzang-Zhian will use conquest rather than diplomacy and soon after taking over another region they will quickly move to subjugate and integrate the populace into their culture and society. Fuzang-Zhian never aim to eradicate the people of the areas they conquer, but rather add those other species into their growing empire as soldiers, tradesmen, and administrators. This has allowed their empire to grow stronger by diversifying their skills with the strengths of other species and thus the Fuzang-Zhian empire has become an ever-evolving, unstoppable force.

Modern History

  A significant family among the Fuzang-Zhian, the Litha family, was granted a major prophesy and mission, to take a coalition of their clan, along with some other species, on a conquest to another land to prevent a major calamity there. They were told to send five of their sons to lead this conquest and granted each of them access to the sacred armory to take a weapon. Once they arrived in the new land they were to take over all the land and bring all the species of that land into a new Fuzang-Zhian empire. Instead, in their pride, the Lithas sent all ten of their sons to the sacred armory and subsequently to war over the new land. By the end of the fighting in the southern area of the new land, only five of the sons survived. The bodies and the weapons of the lost brothers where never found.

  After conquering the five kingdoms, they built a large mountain that was styled after the mountains of their home land. Around the mountains, the clans have formed small suburbs which are mostly segmented by clan but cross-clan meetings do occur in central locations in the mountains.

  Fuzang-Zhian can be found all across Xin Dafang, their home land, and now are geographically spread over all of Southern Dramor and hold many and various positions of power in those areas. While most duchies each have their own leadership structures, Fuzang-Zhian still find places of power within their structures. The central duchy of Southern Dramor, however, is ruled directly by Fuzang-Zhian, specifically by the Litha King. They also travel around as part of guards or with traveling merchants. The recent Old King Litha passed away suddenly without a prince named as successor and the Grand Dutchess, the only person who would have known who the Old King planned to succeed him, has disappeared. This has left the Fuzang-Zhian in a moment of crisis with no clear hierarchy and struggling, for the first time, without a clear leader.