Mkhas Pa History


  In the early days of Preva, after the first deities were made from Chaos, many deities started making creatures on Preva. One of those deities spent most of their time contemplating the existence and reason for everything. They saw other deities making creatures and wondered why they were doing it, and why they did not feel a reason to. After watching and inquiring, they still did not have a good understanding of why the other deities were creating, so they decided to create something themselves to see if the experience would answer the question. The creation was the Mkhas Pa. The deity then stepped back to watch and not interfere in the life of the Mkhas Pa, glad and happy to see they had inherited their own curiosity and obsession with questions. This answered why the deity felt the need to create, and satisfied with this answer, they went on to investigate their other questions, leaving the Mkhas Pa alone.

Ancient History

  The Mkhas Pa have a long history, having collected writings and witnessed the fall and rise of many species in southern Dramor. They have watched mistakes being made multiple times, even in their lifetime, but allowed them to happen because it frequently helps another Mkhas Pa find the answer to their own question.

Modern History

  The Mkhas Pa were initially interested in the arrival of the Fuzang-Zhian, a new species on the continent meant new experiences and information. However, their interest stopped when they saw how the Fuzang-Zhian treated the inhabitants and land of Southern Dramor. Ultimately, most Mkhas Pa joined the resistance, while some, to answer their own questions, joined the Fuzang-Zhian instead. The Mkhas Pa were one of the loudest voices for peace and ultimately a major voice for the surrender of the native species and their requests from the Fuzang-Zhian at the end of the war.